

Looking For KindnessĀ  2024 Aug 18, 2024

Opinion: Give Kindness More Often - Pepperdine Graphic

I am very sad about the amount of unkindness that I witness almost everyday. The major expression of this is through the abuse of power by dysfunctional persons who choose to abuse their power in order to feel better about themselves. Many stories of this absence of kindness can be heard in all...

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What Is That About Power? 2024 Aug 18, 2024

As we try to hold onto our sanity while watching so many ego driven people wield their false sense of power in ways that harm those who they claim to care about, it is important to think about the power expressed in this story. Where does true power come from? What does it feel like to be in the...

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Unbelievable! Freedom Is Not Free 2024 Aug 06, 2024

Embracing Your Power to Transform the WorldOn August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law, and we all thought that true freedom had come, and we would not have to struggle for the right to vote ever again. We thought that we had won the right to be full citizens in the United States and that our...

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